International Mr Leather 2003 and stand-up comedian, now working as a kink mentor and autistic life coach

This website is an archive of my time as International Mr Leather. It contains no pornography or nudity, but it does discuss adult themes. If you are logging on from work or may be offended you may wish to reconsider before going any further.


Picture of John in a leather vest at The Hoist, smiling at the camera

My guide to London's leather and bear scene, also information about workshops I teach and online kink mentoring.


Picture of John smiling at the camera, wearing a black shirt and black leather sleeveless jacket

My work as an online coach helping clients around the world with self-acceptance and happiness, also sessions with autistic folk to unpack what that means for them.


Sun 22 Sept @ 11am-1pm PST/ 2pm-4pm EST/ 7pm-9pm Ireland and UK - Teaching a class on Autism and Kink online for Wicked Grounds (Tickets available here)

I now work full-time as a kink mentor and neurodivergent coach online (helping English speaking people based anywhere in the world.). Please send a message via the form at if you are interested - or check out my coaching website.

If you'd like to watch some comedy I have a YouTube channel at - including the full version of my last show "Monster" at (18+ age restriction due to content)

Stay safe and well everyone x x

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All text on this website copyright © John Pendal 1999-2024 unless otherwise stated. All Rights Reserved.
You are welcome to link to any page of this site but text must not be reprinted without permission from the author.